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Hair Loss and Relationship Stress

By: Jennie Kermode - Updated: 18 Aug 2012 | comments*Discuss
Relationship Hair Loss Intimate Baldness

Though we all like to pretend it doesn't matter, hair loss can put quite a strain on personal relationships, especially intimate ones. Understanding the dynamics of this can help you to deal with relationship problems as they arise. You may feel that your Hair Loss is nobody's business but your own, yet it does have an effect on those around you, and it's important to acknowledge this in order to minimise its impact on your life.

Hair Loss and Attractiveness

Hair loss can hit intimate relationships hard, and much of the problem centres on attractiveness. Sometimes your partner simply won't find you as appealing as they did before. In other cases, it may be your own insecurity about your appearance that causes friction, making you imagine that your partner's feelings must have changed when they really haven't.

In this situation, it is essential that you talk honestly about your feelings. Trying to put it off for one another's sake can cause a breakdown of trust, which is ultimately much more damaging to the relationship. Once you have talked and identified the problem correctly, you can start taking positive steps to rebuild what you have.

It's important not to resent a partner who finds you less attractive because of your hair loss. These are not the sort of feelings people can control, and losing that feeling of attraction is not the same as falling out of love or betraying a commitment to the relationship. It's healthy to express your frustration, but don't let resentment get in the way of rebuilding.

Exploring your Options

In situations where perceived unattractiveness due to hair loss is a problem in your relationship, there are several different things you can do. The situation may affect your choices about styling the hair you have left or choosing when to Wear A Wig, but an alternative is to explore different kinds of intimacy. For instance, many people find that a bald head which doesn't appeal to their eyes is extremely appealing to touch and stroke.

Losing your hair is a traumatic process and can cause you to feel grief as you might after a bereavement. Sometimes it's this grief, and confusion surrounding it, that puts a strain on your relationship. Your partner may feel grief, too, and it will help if you can respect this, even if you feel that your own loss is much greater. Don't get caught up in arguments over who hurts most, but work together to heal

Many people find that their relationships become stronger in the long term after they undertake this kind of process. It's difficult at the time, but it can stop you from taking each other for granted and finding yourselves drifting apart over time.

Dealing with Insensitive Relatives

Hair loss can also trigger problems with other family members. Even people who mean well, if they have poor social skills, can make life difficult. Some may comment on it continually, trying to be positive or make jokes, when you would rather not have to think about it. Others, especially children, may make outright insulting comments.

Many people suffering from hair loss take the responsibility for this sort of thing on themselves. It's easy to internalise the negative reactions of others. Remember that the hair loss may be your problem but other people's reactions to it are not. There is no reason why you should try to laugh along with a situation in which you are continually being hurt.

Again, the key is communication. Children must learn that it's never okay to bully somebody, even if that someone is an adult. Other people need to be told clearly – by an intermediary if you don't feel up to it yourself – that their well-intentioned comments are hurtful. It's better to do this early, before you reach the end of your tether and snap at somebody. They you can get back to enjoying positive time together.

Style Advice

Give yourself a confidence boost by Creating A New Look or learning Make-up Tricks That Flatter Your Baldness.

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